2. General Provisions

2.1 Terms and Conditions

This document, hereafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions," governs the contractual relationships between the Seller and the Buyer regarding transactions conducted through the Seller's online store on the website keysnest.com. These Terms and Conditions affect both parties' rights and obligations.

2.2 Definition of Buyer

The Buyer can be a consumer, defined as any natural person who benefits from the rights stipulated by the relevant national legislation.

2.3 Acceptance of Terms

By placing an order, the Buyer confirms that they have read, understood, and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

2.4 Communication of Documents

All relevant documents are sent electronically to the Buyer, to the email address associated with their user account.

2.5 Modification of Terms

The Terms and Conditions may be unilaterally modified by the Seller or through mutual agreement in an individual Sale-Purchase Contract. Any changes made will not affect rights and obligations established previously.

2.6 Notification of Changes

Any change to the Terms and Conditions that is not accepted by the Buyer must be communicated to the Seller. Otherwise, the Buyer has the right to terminate the contract.

3. Definitions and Descriptions of Products

3.1 Definition of Goods

The term "Goods" refers to software license keys digitally distributed to the Buyer.

3.2 Presentation of Goods

Illustrations in the Seller's catalogues are purely informative and intended to provide an approximate representation of the marketed products.

4. Ordering Procedure

4.1 Order Details

The Buyer will fill in the necessary details to place an order through their user account. Required information includes the type and quantity of Goods, as well as the payment method.

4.2 Contact and Operating Hours

Orders can be placed through the web interface at keysnest.com. Customer support is available according to the schedule posted on the website.

5. Conclusion of the Contract and Billing

5.1 Acceptance of Order

The order is considered accepted after the Seller issues a confirmation via email within 48 hours of receiving the order. If this confirmation is not issued, the order is considered revoked.

5.2 Modification of the Contract

The Sale-Purchase Contract can only be amended by mutual agreement of both parties after the order confirmation is issued.

5.3 Transfer of Ownership

Ownership rights over the Goods are transferred to the Buyer upon full payment of the same.

6. Document Archiving

Contractual documents are stored electronically by the Seller.

7. User Account

7.1 Access and Security

Access to the user account is secured with a username and password, and the Buyer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this data and for preventing unauthorized access.

7.2 Registration and Accuracy of Information

The Buyer is required to provide accurate and up-to-date information both during registration and ordering processes.

8. Prices

Prices of the Goods, including VAT, are displayed on the website and are valid as long as they are updated or modified on the platform.

9. Return Policy

Software products can be tested prior to purchase through trial versions. Once the license is issued and the activation key is sent, the product cannot be returned.

10. Payment Options

Payment for Goods can be made using various methods such as Stripe or PayPal, as specified in the order.

11. Malfunctioning

The Buyer is obligated to report any defects within two months of discovering them, but no later than six months after purchase.

12. Dispute Resolution

In case of disputes, the Buyer should contact the Seller's customer service, available through the contact form on the website.

13. Final Provisions

Any invalid clauses in the Terms and Conditions will be replaced with valid ones that appropriately reflect the original intent, ensuring the continuity of the other provisions.
